
I offer the following services.

Individualized Attention

As an individual tutor, I offer a level of attention that franchise tutoring centers do not. Private sessions are limited to you, the student, and me, the tutor, so we will never have a crowded environment where tutors are preoccupied with other students. In private sessions, my attention is focused solely on you. Whether you are a college student writing a paper, a graduate student working on your Master’s or PhD, or a high school, middle school, or elementary  school student who needs help with Language Arts classes, you can be assured to get my focused attention to meet your individual needs.

Different Learning Styles / MBTI®

As a certified MBTI® practitioner, I can help you assess your particular learning style and design strategies that meet that style. I also take into consideration whether you are an auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learner and find strategies that will further result in your success. Altogether, I custom design our sessions based on your individual needs to build a foundation that works for you.

MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® is based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological type. According to Jung’s theory, we all have inborn preferences regarding how we take in information and how we make decisions based on that information. Knowing your particular psychological type allows you to understand yourself and others better, thus improving communication and avoiding misunderstanding. Working together, we uncover your particular type, giving you access to build on your strengths and develop your weaknesses.

Editing / Proofreading

In addition to tutoring, I provide editing and proofreading services. Whether you are writing a book, a book chapter, a magazine article, a scholarly article, a doctoral dissertation, a master’s thesis, or a graduate paper, I can edit your work for style, organization, coherence, consistency, flow, grammar, spelling, documentation and more. I am well-trained in APA and MLA. Your work will go from draft mode to polished and publish-ready.

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